Wednesday, January 25, 2017

IJA Test Troops Done. Onto Armor.

And we are back to our regular programming. We resume painting our IJA troops in the style of the JGSDF by continuing with their boots that I painted satin black using Delta Ceramcoat.

We then finish up our troops by painting their weapons. Rifles and binoculars were painted a Model Master Enamel Gunmetal.

After that, any tubed weapons went OD(JGSDF) and shells painted Olive Drab.

With all of the test troops painted, it was time to lay them out. There is an out-of-date stat card for the IJA Platoon. Sure can't wait to field them.

With things winding down; just to ratchet back up, it became high time to work on the vehicles. Here, we have 10x Type-90 MBTs, 2x Type-60 SPRGs, 2x Type-87 SPAAG, 4x Type-74 MBTs and 4x Type-61 MBTs.

 With vehicles painted, a surprise package came in. From Iron Wind Metals, part of their Battletech range, BT-199 Asura Battlesuits.
Now, I bought these from BV Traders and half of them (11 out of 24) arrived on what is perhaps my BIGGEST PET PEEVE for wargaming; using coins as bases. GRRRRRR!
On the other hand, a bit of de-bonder, a minute later and I became 11 cents richer.

The rest of the vehicles for the IJA have been assembled and awaiting at the time drier weather to finish primering them.

Onto the modifications. The Asura Battlesuit is suppose to be the Type 89 Feedback Protector.
Modifications began by carefully snipping off those ... whatever those are on the top.

I then cut out some 1/8" x 1/8" pieces of balsa wood to represent the rocket pods.

I then found some scrap plastic tubing that is suppose to be the .50cal rotary that these things have.

And with the heavies comes the US Army. Again, I never painted US Army camouflage circa 1998 before so here goes nothing.
Helmets and uniforms were painted Tamiya NATO Green (XF-67) and Field Grey (XF-67).

The next step is to paint on large splotches of Model Master Armor Sand and that is where we end for the night.

As of now, I am working on the first of the BETA bases to be used in a test battle this Friday. I hopefully will bring you video of the game so with that, soldier on troops.

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